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Author: Everest Pet Supply


Mon bouledogue français de 6 mois adore, il le prend, le laisse, y revient, et on voit le résultat après quatre jours de mâchouillage intensif. S’il le finit avant d’avoir toutes ses dents définitives je compte bien acheter un autre, toujours taille M.

Große Liebe

Meiner 8-jährigen 8-Kilo Jack Russell Hündin fehlt sowohl beim Fressen als auch beim Snacken jeglicher Genuss, getreu dem Motto “Je schneller, umso besser”. Kaustangen oder Kausnacks waren in Windeseile verschlungen. Dies war für beide Seiten recht unbefriedigend. Durch Zufall (oder Schicksal) stieß ich auf Kaustangen aus Yak Milch. Ich informierte mich vor dem Kauf noch ausführlich über dieses Produkt, um sicherzugehen, dasss es zu 100% geeignet, gesund und fördernd ist. Meine Hündin war vom ersten Biss an unendlich verliebt in die Yak Kaustangen. Das Problem mit dem Schlingen löste sich mit diesen von selbst: Sie kaut an einer kleinen (geschätzt 7 cm lang) Stange etwa 2 Wochen, was sie in Geduld und Ehrgeiz übt, mit dem Bonus, dass es auch noch richtig lecker schmeckt. Unbedachter Nebeneffekt: Ihr Zahnstein konnte großflächig durch das Längere Kauen beseitigt werden, was wirklich erfreulich ist.

Brilliant chew

 Brilliant chew. Brilliant birthday present for Bella the dog! She loves it! Doesn’t smell like a lot of dog chews do, she hasn’t put it down since we gave it to her and it looks like it should last a little while! Brilliant. Will definitely buy again! We got medium sized which came as one chew in a packet

Update… Once she chewed it down to a smallish bit I did as per the instructions and popped it in the microwave… It turned into a big crispy cheese puff! She loved it!!!


I was really sceptical about paying so much for a dog chew. But these are amazing! I have 3 4 month old puppies and 2 older dogs (all toy breeds) and have never dared to give them actual bones just in case they splintered. But I thought I would try these just to stop the puppies chewing everything in sight. It helps that my dogs are all cheese lovers!
They absolutely love these.
They keep them chewing and occupied for hours. And, rather than splinter, they just crumble. I can’t smell them either.
They last ages too.
I have 5 very happy dogs and these are well worth the money. Probably the best thing I have ever brought for them in treats.

Love love love these

Love love love these, my 2 very big girls ( Mastiffs) love these, they still have them and I have had them for about a week now, Put a small piece that book off into the Microwave just to see if it did puff up and yep, sure did. I will be buying more of these for my daughters pup and my babies xmas stockings, well worth the money

Fantastic for strong breeds and dogs with allergies.

Our dog is highly allergic to most things so finding a chew that works for him and lasts longer than 2 mins is a struggle, but we might have finally found it !

Not only does he love this, his allergies haven’t flared up and 3 days and the chew is still going…this has NEVER happened, this is a dog who destroys indestructible toys in under 5 mins.
He is an older dog now so his teeth aren’t what they was and he seems to cope fine with them. I was worried as natural style chews before have given him an upset stomach but this hasn’t.
So far this seems to have solved the 10 year hunt for the perfect chew for him. It’s his birthday this week so I plan on getting him some more 🙂

stars I shall be living off Beans on Toast for the rest of the week.

Bought the large size as an indulgent birthday present for my GSD. He loves anything creamy, or milky and I thought he’d be interested in this as it’s made from Yak’s and Cow’s milk – it actually reminded me of a piece of hard, whey cheese, like a Mysost, only much firmer and denser.
Compressed into a bar, this chew weighed just under 100g and measured 1″ x 1″ x 5″ long.
Comes in an airtight bag with a dessicant sachet, this has a date of manufacture printed on the outer. The Best Before is three years from date of manufacture. The chew is odourless – maybe just a very slightly sweetish fragrance. It’s a good product, nicely presented without any fanfare.

My dog loved this.
He’s raw fed, so very experienced in chewing through meaty bones and carcases and I was curious to see how long this would last.
Well, he really enjoyed it. Every morsel. He had a wonderful chew and really got into it. It lasted 45 minutes, start to finish.
Afterwards, he headed off to his water pail, had a good drink and then came over and gave me that slow wag of his tail and smiling, like he does when he says his doggy equivalent of “Thank You.”
Then he went and crashed out by the sofa.

Eating the whole chew didn’t cause any digestive upset and there wasn’t a mark on the carpet or a crumb left uneaten.
Money well spent, but I can’t afford to buy him these very often, though I did notice that these are also sold in packs of five at a slightly better unit cost.
Old hyena jaws isn’t interested in chew toys, kongs or nylabones – it has to be a food item to engage him, and this is the first food ‘chew’ that he hasn’t demolished in under two minutes. So I’ll definitely repurchase, but for “Special Occasions” like Fireworks night (to keep him occupied), Christmas and the like.
That dog eats better than I do.

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